Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Like most inventions, the AutoSync technology was developed to address a need - Remote synchronous communications users needed an easier, less complex way of setting up a remote PC-to-host connectivity. There were optional systems to dial the phone or pick it up, but these were generally implemented as separate devices also intended to be used on one end of the connection or the other. This was not simple unless the modem "knew" what data were initially being sent, allowing it to time the bits and thereby guess the speed. But it was not long before hobbyists were able to combine the Smartmodem with new software to create the first real bulletin board systems BBSes , which created significant market demand. Hayes originally had big plans for the form factor, referring to it as the Hayes Stack and intending to release a range of products that could be stacked beside the computer.
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Misc by Wayne Cunningham May 2, Hayes added a requirement of his own, that the modem be able to automatically detect what speed the computer's serial port was set to when first powered on.

Before installing the card, it must also be configured to not conflict with other adapter cards installed in the PC. Business picked up quickly, and in January they quit their jobs at National Data to form their own company, D.

By oltima this site, you agree to the Terms optjma Use and Privacy Policy. Hayes left the Georgia Institute of Technology in the mids to work at an early data communications company, National Data Corp, a company that handled electronic money transfers and credit card authorizations. They remained a major vendor throughout the s, periodically introducing models with higher throughput.

However, while the pin connector on the modem side had more than enough pins for this purpose even some meant for this purposethe computer side often used a much smaller 9-pin connector, and equally often many of these pins were not actually connected or accessible from software.

While it would have been possible to use some of these pins for the sort of command-switching they needed the "ready" indications, for example, would have sufficed Heatherington instead came up with the idea of using a rarely seen sequence of characters for this duty. They quickly introduced their own optoma. Zoom continues to use the Hayes name on some of their products.

Hayes Optima 56k External Rs232 Serial Business Modem Fax 5362US Faxmodem

In this case it could be safely assumed that the sequence was being sent deliberately by a user, as opposed to being buried in the middle of a data stream. Hayes was no exception; the company introduced its v. The problem was how to move from mode modemm mode. A number of manufacturers banded together and introduced the Time Independent Escape Sequenceor TIES, but it was not as robust as Heatherington's system and never became very successful. Intelligent Machines Journal The modem market moem the s was very simple and stagnant.

In this way, the modem could be instructed by the computer to perform various operations, such as hang up the phone or dial a number.

Hayes OPTIMA 56K Global - fax / modem Overview - CNET

What was needed was a single modem that could do it all; connect directly to optiima phone, answer incoming calls, dial numbers to initiate outgoing calls, and hang up when the call was complete. This adds additional hardware costs as well as costly technical support charges. Heatherington eventually suggested the use of a well-known character sequence for this purpose, recommending AT for "attention", which is prefixed on all commands.

System Requirements OS Required. However, existing modems were simply too expensive and difficult to use or be practical for most users. This is especially true when installing your modem under the Windows and Windows XP operating systems. By the mids their modems were also based on the Rockwell chip set, and had little to distinguish themselves from other vendors. This smart modem approach dramatically simplified and automated operation. As initial hardware costs skyrocketed, there was also the added maintenance costs associated with the upkeep of this hardware.

Retrieved from " https: The AutoSync 2 technology truly is a unique feature available in a select few modems. Maximum synchronous speeds of many adapter cards is limited to bps or Defunct computer companies of the United States Defunct computer hardware companies Modems Telecommunications equipment vendors Computer companies established in Electronics companies established in Manufacturing companies established in Manufacturing companies disestablished in Companies that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Companies that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Free MP3 of the Day Argy can move a dance floor of sweaty bodies with house music without resorting to the hands-in-the-air syncopated beats that often have wailing house divas behind them.

Also differentiating Hayes from its competition was the Smartmodem's use of the guard time. The Smartmodem was the first modem integrating complete control over the phone line, and that allowed it to be used in exactly the same fashion with any computer.

The Bell companies were interested in deploying ISDN, but doing so required customer-end installations to make their conventional telephones work, which made the system unattractive for wide-scale deployment.

Uayes obvious solution was to use the RS serial port; modems were serial devices and generally driven off RS anyway, and most computer designs included an RS port, or some variant. The design was generally unsuccessful, and for the first time Hayes lost cachet as the leader in modem design and manufacture.

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